Steven Banks LMFT | Credentials

Present Experience

July 1985 to present – Owner EVERGREEN COUNSELING 3419 Arden Way, Unit C, Sacramento, Ca. 95825

    • Ph. (916) 487-0657
    • FAX (916) 487-0325

Contracts and Job Descriptions:

Anger & Violence Programs
1989 to present Administer and provide the Batterer’s Treatment and Anger Management Program for Sacramento County, including Probation, Parole, Family Court Services, Children’s Protective Services, business and private parties. Those attending are men from all ethnic and social levels. Responsibilities:

    • Provide education and treatment for individuals needing help managing anger & violence. Group topics include but are not limited to:
    • exploring patterns of anger
    • healthy/unhealthy anger
    • abusive anger
    • values and beliefs
    • and the impact violence has on a victim and family members.
Participants are required to:

    • learn how to discuss difficult issues more effectively
    • how to develop a plan to resolve differences
    • recognize a potentially inappropriate situation
    • know what steps to take in a dangerous situation
    • know how to re-establish trust once it is violated
    • know where to get help
    • recognize when a relationship is toxic
    • identify areas of conflict
    • recognize their present level of anger
    • recognize how their anger is changing
    • give recent examples of healthier expressions of anger
    • learn other topics that help participants live a more functional life.


Sacramento County Probation Dept. 3201 Florin-Perkins Rd. Sacramento, Ca. 95826
Trainer for Domestic Violence Certification
June 2009-Present Capital Foundation for the Asian Pacific Island Community Description: As per Penal Code 1203.098 and 1203.097 40 hours of core basic training with:

    • A minimum of 8 hours in basic domestic violence knowledge focusing on victim safety and the role of domestic violence shelters
    • A minimum of 8 hours in multicultural, cross cultural, and multiethnic diversity and domestic violence.
    • A minimum of 4 hours in substance abuse and domestic violence
    • A minimum of 4 hours in intake and assessment, including the history of violence and the nature of threats and substance abuse.
    • A minimum of 8 hours in group content focusing on areas required by PC1203.097
    • A minimum of 4 hours in group facilitation
    • A minimum of 4 hours in domestic violence and the law, ethics, all requirements specified by the probation department pursuant to Section 1203.097. and the role of batterer’s intervention programs 104 hours in no less than six months as a trainee in my approved batterer’s intervention program.
Family Court Mediator
February 2001 to 2014 El Dorado Superior Court Description: As per California Family Codes, I provided mediation services for couples involved in custody disputes. This required that I help the parents develop effective parenting plans that address the health, safety and welfare of the child/children while reducing any acrimony between parents. When agreement was not reached, I gathered information from various sources and made a parenting recommendation to the court based on the information gathered. The goal was always “what is in the best interest of the children”, according to the laws of California. I also testified when necessary. Reference: Adi Langer, Family Court Mediator El Dorado County Superior Court 495 Main St. Placerville, Ca. 95667

Past Experience

January 1990 to December 2004 Los Rios Community College District Description: Teaching part time – I usually taught two classes per semester. Sometimes three. I taught all these classes over 14 years. I usually taught Psych. 25 and Psych 320 or Psych 43.

Psychology 1

General Psychology (Sac. City College)

Psychology 7

Human Behavior (Sac. City College)

Psychology 33

Personality Theory (Sac. City College)

Psychology 15

Abnormal Psychology (Los Rios Comm. College-The Training Center)

Psychology 25

Human Sexuality (Sac. City College)

Psychology 35 & Hum. Serv 35

Introduction to Chemical Dependency (American River College)

Human Services 21

Group Encounter and Basic Communication Skills (Los Rios Comm. College-The Training Center)

Psychology 36 & Hum. Serv. 36

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: Intervention, Treatment, and Recovery (American River College)

Psychology 43

Drugs and Human Behavior (Sac. City College & Los Rios Comm. College-Training Center)

Gerontology 41

Techniques of individual and Group Counseling of the Elderly (American River College)

Sociology 3

Marriage and Family (Sac. City College)

Psychology 320

Social Psychology (Folsom Lake Community College)

Introduction to Case Management

(American River College)

Curriculum is described in the Los Rios Community College District class catalog.
1982 to 1995 Administer and provide the drug diversion program for Sacramento County, including Probation, Parole, Family Court Services, Children’s Protective Services, business and private parties. Those attending were men and women from all ethnic backgrounds and social levels. Responsibilities: Provide education and treatment to first time offenders. Topics included but were not limited to: signs and symptoms of intoxication, overdose and withdrawal with depressants; stimulants; opiates; hallucinogens; and inhalants. We also explored the needs of the abuser, and patterns leading to at-risk behavior. Participants were taught crisis awareness and intervention techniques including where to get help, when to get help, and how to effectively communicate during a crisis. We provided resources available in the community and helped each participant understand some of the common problems/concerns that may be different to specific populations. Topics also included; fetal drug syndrome; AIDS; co-dependency; respect, responsibility, confidence and consistency. Reference Sacramento County Probation Dept. 3201 Florin-Perkins Rd. Sacramento, Ca. 95826