Manage Anger Daily

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Anger Management Course Outline

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Class Topics

GOAL: Begin with the end in mind. You should be able to do what you are going to teach.

  • 1. Types of abuse:
    • Physical
    • Mental
    • Emotional
    • Sexual
    • Economic
  • 2. Evolution of anger (why insight is important)
    • Evolution of extreme anger
    • Terms used in anger growing up
  • 3. Healthy anger
    • Range of healthy anger
    • Unhealthy anger
  • 4. Relationships
    • Cooperative
    • Competitive
    • Defensive
  • 5. Restoring a relationship
    • I love you to F… you in five years
    • Can it be restored
    • Some relationships should end
    • Some relationships just need help
    • Begin with the end in mind
    • Seek first to understand then be understood
    • See in order to believe
    • Believe in order to see
  • 6. What to include on a plan to help discuss difficult issues more effectively.
  • 7. What is a dangerous situation?
    • Toxic Relationships
  • 8. If things were getting dangerous, what to do?
  • 9. Examples of a dangerous situation?
  • 10. People or places to go to for help
  • 11. What are your main challenges with anger in a relationship now?
  • 12. What are you doing to handle these situations?
  • 13. How do you know when you are getting angry (physical, mental, emotional signals)?
  • 14. What does a victim of violence experience?
  • 15. If you were to get violent with your partner, what should she do?
    • What are the negative effects of domestic violence on children?
  • 16. What are 7 steps necessary to regain trust once it is violated?
  • 17. What negative effects do alcohol and drugs have on a relationship?
    • Should learn signs and symptoms
    • Should know something about different treatment methods
  • 18. Give a recent example of something that made you mad and how you handled it in a healthy way.
  • 19. The “f… it” wall. What is it?
  • 20. Fantasy based and reality based relationships.
    • Fantasy based beliefs
    • Reality based beliefs
    • Do the math
  • 21. Systems approach to understanding relationships
    • Discuss influence of society, culture, religion, friends, family, work etc.
  • 22. Homeostasis and Evolution
    • Discuss how the relationship is allowed to grow, i.e., is it an open or closed system.
    • What kinds of rules are kept in effect to keep things the same. Does change threaten the relationship?
  • 23. Cooperative, competitive and defensive relationships
    • Seek first to understand, then be understood
    • What does blaming, degrading, dehumanizing or putting a partner’s safety at risk do for the relationship?
    • What does coercion or violent behavior do to a partner?
  • 24. Treatment plans
    • Desire
    • Consistency/commitment
    • Plan
    • Plus/minus
    • Choice
    • Attitude
    • Follow through
    • It takes time
    • Assessment
  • 25. Role play
    • Break into small groups.
    • Have participants develop a solution to a problem created by the group.
    • Demonstrate how it can be solved.
    • Give examples of how this is used in group and what participants do, i.e., 1-10 grade.