17. Green-Yellow-Red

Tuesday 25 August, 2015 at 7:41 pm steve 0

     Everyone is aware of the green-yellow and red signal lights.  The awareness of this part of your being is also a way to remind yourself if you are safe, if there is a need to be concerned, or if you should consider taking action to get back in the green.  Red is a very dangerous place.  someone could get hurt, something could be said that is hard to take back or forget, the red could lead to custody disputes, it could land you in jail, it could lead to mental and emotional problems, it could also lead to increased alcohol or drug use.  RED is a very bad place to be.  Unfortunately, some people recognize that they are in the red, but don’t take action to stop it.  Usually this will lead to someone else taking action.  The action could be as simple as someone leaving, to as dramatic as having police knock on the door or someone going to the hospital.  

     Honesty, the truth, is your friend.  If you have experienced the RED and this is becoming more frequent, take the action you would want someone you care for to take.  Get healthy before the RED makes your life very unhealthy.   Ignoring the RED is ignoring what is best for you. 

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