1. Manage Your Anger – Where to Start

Wednesday 11 January, 2012 at 5:13 pm admin 0

Rule number one:

I am not saying you can’t, shouldn’t, or never will get angry. I am not going to teach anyone how to not get angry. I am and can teach you how to Manage Anger Daily, effectively, and in a way that can help you and those that you care for.

Rule number two:

Always question what I say. All that I ask is that when you hear one of my ideas, question it, then consider the opposite as an option and see where it takes you.
Every part of this program (and your life) is about choices. Are your choices working for you or against you?

Rule number three: Respect

I don’t know of anyone who likes disrespect. Saying” this is too much” or “I can’t do it” is a sign of disrespect to you. You know I’m right (remember rule number two).

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