2. Manage Anger Daily: Desire

Tuesday 10 January, 2012 at 5:56 pm admin 0

Anger in relationships is as diverse as our population. By reading this article it means that you have chosen one of the primary components necessary for change; desire. I’m not suggesting that you are back flip happy about reading or practicing what I am going to discuss. But, without desire the chances of success are virtually nonexistent. So, congratulations, but, don’t lose your desire.
Now a little about your enemy; homeostasis. Simply put, this word means “same state”. What it really means is that what you have learned all these years almost becomes unconscious, kind of like shifting gears in a car. It also means that you are conditioned to go back to business as usual despite your DESIRE to change. What overrides the desire to stay the way you are (unconsciously) is a commitment. Just like most diets and exercise programs, they usually fail, not because you are a failure, but because homeostasis wants you to stay the way you have been for years.

Rule number four: Honesty over B…. S…

Remember, homeostasis is the enemy. BS is one of the tools used by homeostasis to get you to quit. Honesty will help you through the difficult times.

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