6. Managing Anger Daily: When Leaving Is Out Of Respect

Friday 06 January, 2012 at 6:24 pm admin 0

Sometimes the heat of the moment is too much. Staying face to face and arguing may lead to horrible comments or worse. Out of respect for the other party and yourself the following are some things that need to be done in order to avoid serious problems later on.
Both parties should agree to the following recommendations as an option to a dangerous fight and recognize that one person is not walking away from the problem but making it safe for the topic to be discussed later.
The first is LEAVE. When do you leave? I say think of discussions as being in the Green, Yellow, and Red. Once you feel the style of talk is moving out of the green it is time to leave, unless both people calm down and the discussion has made a major turn for the better.

When The Talk Is Moving To Bad Do The Following

  • Leave
  • Calm down
  • Think about what happened
  • Call before going back
  • To make sure it is safe for both parties
  • If it is safe go home and decide what you two are going to do.
  • If you are going to have a discussion consider using the steps suggested in the previous Blog “How To Discuss Difficult Issues”.
  • If it is not safe stay away until it is.

Do Not leave in a disrespectful way! No cussing as you go; no slamming doors; just an “I’ll be back in a while. I need to calm down.”

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