4. Manage Anger Daily: Plans

Sunday 08 January, 2012 at 6:05 pm admin 0

This is the part many people resist; the plan. Many people with anger problems believe that all they need to do is make a promise to themselves that inappropriate anger won’t happen again, and it won’t. For many people, that may be enough and actually work. For those with anger problems they may feel; it’s the other people/person who has a problem; that others behavior justifies their problems; or they may be embarrassed to admit they have a problem. Even if a person admits there is a problem, and they may have a desire to change, and a commitment to change, more needs to happen or it won’t likely happen. What is needed next is a plan, a blueprint, a syllabus, or an outline of how to change. This plan should have daily, weekly, and monthly evidence that the changes wanted are happening. Evidence comes from practicing the new techniques and /exercises and assessing the results. Specific plans can be created by the people themselves or professionals. Without the plan Managing Anger Daily will be little more than a hope.

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