7. Managing Anger Daily: How Did It Get Bad?

Wednesday 28 December, 2011 at 6:33 pm admin 0

This is simple to answer and complex. Simply, when we get mad we either act or react. The complex part is that there are many things that influence who we are as a mad person. There’s genetics that influence who we are. We have the experiences, conditioning, and/ or training from life. Some have medical problems such as a surgery, a head injury, or a serious illness. Some could be on medication and it reduces their ability to filter their anger. Someone could be tired from hard work. They could be hungry. Allergies could affect a person’s anger. Then there is the influence of the home, neighborhood, and community. A person might feel trapped by the circumstances of life (a bad job, no job, legal problems, money problems, etc.). Most often it is an accumulation of many things.
Change happens when a person recognizes that the anger is becoming a major problem. Usually the anger has been mentioned numerous times over the years by family, employees, employers, friends, even people who don’t know the individual. The person may have experienced a list of consequences; lost jobs, legal problems, lost relationships, lost friends, and more. At some point, there is a realization that change is necessary.
There is an old proverb: “When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the second best time to plant a tree? Today”

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