12. Managing Anger Daily: Knowing What A Victim Of Violence Experiences

Sunday 18 December, 2011 at 7:16 am admin 0

Inappropriate anger is bad enough. Violence brings the relationship to a whole new and awful level of disrespect.
The effects of violence even at the low end (slap, shove, grab, scratch, spit at, thrown to the ground) add a level of fear not expected. Greater levels of violence lead to a probable need for medical help, greater fear, and more serious consequences.
Caution now becomes more pronounced. Distrust, what to do, how to get out, become regular thoughts.
If the offender takes immediate steps to ensure that inappropriate anger doesn’t happen again, good things can happen.
If inappropriate anger continues, the consequences can last a life time…the violence can get worse…violence may become a common part of the relationship…and the children are likely to see or hear the violence.
Typical Reactions:

Want to get out…want to get even…Anger…Sadness…Guilt
Much, much more

If the violence gets worse the following may happen:

  • Bruising
  • Broken teeth
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Damaged organs
  • Threats to harm others
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Homicidal thoughts
  • Avoiding others to hide the damage
  • Severely damaged mental/emotional health
  • Death
  • Wild card

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