9. Managing Anger Daily: Issues that often lead to fights

Saturday 24 December, 2011 at 6:42 pm admin 0

There are many difficult issues to discuss in relationships. Here are some that I have seen come up often. Unresolved, these items often lead to serious problems or the demise of the relationship. Go to my archives on how to talk about difficult issues.

  • Anger
  • Jealousy
  • Drugs/alcohol
  • Relapse
  • Status of the relationship
  • Money issues
  • Work/Not working
  • How to raise children
  • Sex
  • Stress
  • Control issues
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Being taken for granted
  • Being Ignored
  • Never happy
  • Constant complaints
  • The influence of family/friends
  • Distrust:
  • Especially if there has been abuse
  • Especially if the police were called
  • Especially if there has been cheating
  • Wild Card

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