14. Managing Anger Daily: Reality Based Relationship

Sunday 11 December, 2011 at 7:23 am admin 0

Healthy, cooperative relationships recognize anger for what it is. The cooperative partner respects the angry person’s opinion. Although the partner may disagree and get angry themselves, their style of anger does not damage the quality of the relationship. In fact, by trusting that the anger has healthy boundaries, the couple can feel more relaxed when an issue does come up.
Reality Based Relationships:

  • Enjoy life
  • Problems are theirs to work out together
  • They work to help each other
  • They are up front and open about issues
  • They discuss issues
  • They can exhibit a full range of emotions
  • They trust the commitment
  • They are willing to risk the relationship for the good of the person
  • Their relationship is greater than the problem
  • They are cooperative
  • They are proactive
  • They are best friends
  • They work together
  • They explore options
  • They appreciate the other’s point of view
  • They have the freedom to speak their mind
  • There is undeniable respect

Believe it or not, there are actually people who say these relationships don’t exist. For those individuals, what part of what we listed should be taken off the list?

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