16. Managing Anger Daily: Selfish/Cruel Relationships

Monday 05 December, 2011 at 7:28 am admin 0

These are awful relationships. There is deceit, betrayal, and very little respect. Often the relationship starts with passion and little more. Drama is common and distrust always present. The couple often feel like they are being played by the other. It is not long before one or both know there is little chance that the relationship will work. They may wish to go somewhere else but the options are few. They, for lack of a better term, are stuck. These can be very dangerous relationships. Insecurities are fed by frequent fighting. Children often witness growing problems even after the couple split up or when the law gets involved. Custody disputes can often be measured by the wounds absorbed by one or both parents. These people need help. Unfortunately, the law is often the only way help may come.
Always remember, there is hope and that change is possible. Desire is the first step. Consistency is a must. The anger practiced for years is what needs to change. This isn’t easy. Change is possible. Don’t give up.

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