Mad My Way is similar to a therapeutic apprenticeship that supports, encourages, teaches, challenges, and through hard work rewards its participants with the skills necessary to effectively Manage Anger Daily. Evergreen Counseling provides therapy, training, and counseling services for individuals, businesses, health services, and non profit organizations. For those who desire change, Evergreen Counseling can help modify self defeating patterns and develop new attitudes that are life changing and life affirming. Given the right conditions and proper guidance participants thrive, going on to respect themselves and those important to them.
Steven Banks Resume
Licensed Marriage Family Therapist – Provider of Batterer’s Treatment and Anger Management Programs – Court Mediator for couples involved in custody disputes – Owner of Evergreen Counseling, specializing in systems awareness, domestic violence, substance abuse, marital conflict, child/adolescent issues, and various mental health challenges. READ MORE
Anger Management
If you are looking for an anger management class that works you have found it. Evergreen’s Mad My Way course not only satisfies court mandated and continuing education requirements, it has a reputation for providing excellent service to the community. Whatever your reason you’ll see in the workshop that this is no ordinary Anger Management Course. READ MORE
Continuing Education
Clinicians, mediators, custody evaluators, and mental health professionals are required to have 8 hours each year of continuing education 4 of which cover domestic violence education. Programs providing anger management and domestic violence groups are required to have 8 hours of domestic violence education each year. Evergreen’s Mad My Way course curriculum meets the requirements of 1203.098 of the penal code, and California rules of the court 5.230. READ MORE